As 2023 comes to an end, we at Crossroads Pregnancy Care have much to be thankful for! Because of the opening of our new facility in January, we are seeing abortion-minded women, and our medical team is making a difference for life as they demonstrate grace and share truth during medical appointments and options consultations. At the same time, our client care team at our Quakertown facility continues to meet the needs of clients in a loving, Christ-like manner as clients benefit from our pregnancy and family care programs. In addition, our abortion restoration care team is helping women find healing from the guilt and shame associated with past abortions through genuine care and biblically based programing.
As I consider the valuable work we do at Crossroads and the current activity we are witnessing from the pro-abortion community, I am reminded of Jesus' words in the Gospel of John: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (ESV) At Crossroads, we are not only privileged to stand in the gap for the unborn so that they may have life; we seek to share the love of Christ through our free services and attempt to share the Gospel so that our clients would not only have life, but have it abundantly.
As this year comes to a close, would you please consider sending us a year-end gift? Your generosity would provide the necessary resources for us to continue offering our free services to clients, to maintain our exceptional staff, to administer our programing, and to cover the costs of operating our facilities as we enter into 2024. Thank you in advance for helping us continue to be light-bearers and life-givers to our clients and unborn children.